Monday, September 3, 2007

Where have you all been?

Oh, it's me who has been absent? Crazy summer. I can't believe it is coming to an end now. Kids start school tomorrow morning and the weather is turning...nice cool mornings and low humidity. Perfect for running...I'd better get my butt out there! I'd like to give you a report on how fabulous my running has been going but...

Today was the John Smith Memorial Run. I didn't run but I volunteered to get volunteers to block roads, cut fruit, run water stations, etc. It was a fun but tedious task. You don't really know who you can count on until you get there. Everything went well .The best part about it was the organizer let me take his TREK bike and ride around to make sure the street corners were covered and that the turn around for the 5km was visable. I think I rode the course complete 3 times (30km) and about 20km more just back and forth. My favourite part was coming in with the last runner. It was almost like a parade, 2 motorcycle cops along with the W.R.A.C.E. truck behind us and all of the volunteers taking down their barriers and joining in.

As for work we've had a few fires lately even a house that exploded.

In the picture the exploded house is on the left and I am the one with the hose on the right protecting the house beside it.

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